James Pew writes: “Because of pressures to believe and respect the subjectivity of indignant publics who make unrealistic and disproportionate demands for social justice, we seem to be stumbling through this woke era with no indication of when or how we will regain our footing.”

Or more simply, historical lies lead to big cash or a virtuous image for the liars.

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If the Spanish Inquisition is any indication of how mass hysteria corrupted legions of penitent followers to subjugate themselves before appointed magistrates and tribunals, loyal to the "godhead", then perhaps we only have another epoch of "woke" pilgrims left... Thanks James for prodding us to the fires of "truth". Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah!

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Thank you for the honest truthful review that is long overdue! It has been stated that “there cannot be reconciliation without truth” as it will continue to burn in the minds of critical thinkers as a living lie!

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