Jun 26, 2023Liked by James Pew

I think it is a sign of a deep thinker to not publish frequently or voluminously. It takes a long time to formulate thoughts, read multiple sources, talk to people, run your ideas by them, rethink things, then write your thoughts down coherently. In our Twitter-ized world much of what is on the internet is the antithesis of this. People are writing their brief and pithy response to something they are reading or hearing even before they have finished taking it in. They react rather than think. I really like low-volume, high quality writing. So don't apologize for your absence. I take it as a sign of you being a thoughtful person.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by James Pew

I agree with James on this central point: “The general rationale is that Western nations are bad - just look at their awful histories of oppression - so they must be dissolved into an international something or other. Or, it's really about stripping away the individual rights afforded citizens of liberal societies, and replacing them with a designation of post-national “global citizenship” with no individual rights, only responsibilities, ie. Slavery.” That is wokeism - excessive self debasement leading to a dystopia.

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Trouble is you lost the plot so stop with the idealogical BS and just tell it like it is if you born male you be male if yu born female you be female so suck it up buttercup cause thats the WAY it is as far as Lgbtq4wankersnobgobblerscarpetmunchers ferk right off

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