Right on the button. Keep up the writing. I worked for the Whe La La Lu in Alert Bay for 3 years in a maintenance program, you name it and I have seen or experienced it. Where is the concept of rule of law used? It is always retribution Why do we use their system of law from the stone age? There is always two sides or more to a situation and and it should be discussed as such

I once installed a drain pipe with my 2 man crew. The following day while clearing up my supervisor appeared and berated me for flooding Mary,s kitchen ( the house behind the property of the installed pipe). I pointed out that it had not rained that day, the water would have to come out of a ditch and up 3 steps over a sill and into the kitchen. I was yelled at ... you never question an elder!! How do you reason with people?

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The pope bowed down to woke revisionists, but no mention of missing and murdered children. The graves invention is what brought him here.

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Not yet at least. Let's hope it stays that way for the remainder of his trip.

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